
About 7Chakras

7 Chakras is established to help individuals achieve physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual well-being through holistic practices and therapies.

Finances, relationships, career and other areas of life are a reflection of an individual’s overall energies.

By correcting and aligning these energies, a source of well-being, abundance and prosperity can be accelerated.

We at 7 Chakras work with these energy aspects of life and help you heal and transform your life into happier, healthier and more fulfilling one. Our online services are highly customised to suit your specific wellness needs for all age groups.

Jyoti Jain

Founder | 7 Chakras

Jyoti Jain is a Certified Pranic Healer (CPH), certified by the World Pranic Healing Foundation, Inc. Manila, Philippines. She is also a Certified Tarot Reader, Colour Therapist, a Numerologist( name and number). Her inclination in the energy world began way back when she was navigating through life’s ups & downs. Her process of self-discovery has been closely associated with her explorations of the energy world. From ‘Pravachans’ and ‘dhyan sessions’ with Sadhavis to arriving at Pranic Healing in 2019 and Tarot Reading, Numerology, Pronology, Colour Therapy thereafter, that’s been her journey so far. She now offers energy therapies and energy guidance for balancing and harmonizing various aspects of life.


Pranic healing is a highly evolved energy based system to address various issues of mind, body and emotions. It’s a safe, effective and a powerful nodrug, no-touch therapy which works equally well in person as well as at distance on a zoom call or other online modes. Distance does not affect the rate of healing or the results. It works by removing the energy blockages and aligning the chakras to transform one’s emotions, physical health, finances, relationships and mental faculties to create a balanced, harmonious and a more fulfilling life. Rate of healing, number of sessions required to produce visible effects depends on willingness to get better, openness to the therapy and ofcourse the other usual factors, such as– person’s age, physical ,emotional and psychological condition, intensity of the ailment , comorbidities etc. Some patients take time to show results while some may show faster results.


Colour therapy or Chromotherapy is a non-invasive holistic therapy that uses colours to achieve better health and well-being. Colours are known to hold specific energy and wavelength and have a bearing on the energy of the person. Colour therapy helps achieve health and wellness goals and facilitates a positive state of mental, emotional and physical being. It is used as a complimentary healing therapy. Number of sessions required vary from case to case depending on same factors as mentioned above in the Pranic Healing.

Pranic Healing and Colour Therapy are complimentary therapies . Jyoti is not a medical doctor but a certified practitioner of these therapies and individuals seeking treatment are advised to get medical advice beforehand. These therapies work well alongside conventional medicines and are not meant to replace them.